About Me

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I am a recent graduate with a degree in Fashion Design. I have now pursued into costume design and creation, with consideration into make-up and (maybe) wig-work. A costume has a whole life story behind it. I aim to portray entirely accurate historical and cultural references and develop these details into personal characters all of which the audience can understand and in some cases relate to. The importance of costume is simply inexplicable.


Silly Billy

I looked at slogans as a concept for a self written brief and came across this...

Half true, half maybe not so much...


Show Me The Manning

Final Degree Show. 20/5/2011. Noose's.


Having completed all garments now, I have been working on promotion and photography. The idea behind the photographic images is to create a screaming affect and stressed effect. Kind of spooky and tainted to fit with the torture concept.