About Me

My photo
I am a recent graduate with a degree in Fashion Design. I have now pursued into costume design and creation, with consideration into make-up and (maybe) wig-work. A costume has a whole life story behind it. I aim to portray entirely accurate historical and cultural references and develop these details into personal characters all of which the audience can understand and in some cases relate to. The importance of costume is simply inexplicable.


Shrek The Musical

Shrek The Musical 2012
Currently working on the guards chain-link jumpsuits. All are made to measure for each part and all chain-link fabric printed in London.

Costume Maker- Charlie Rungen
Assistant Costume Maker- Emma Manning

The Whisper- Clare Smart Photography

Project with photographer Clare Smart to recreate a past image of hers into a new concept.
Image by Clare Smart

This is the original and the starting image. The new photograph will be a spin off of this and soon to be released...

Casting and Equipment

Photographer- Clare Smart
Costume Designer and Stylist- Emma Manning


The Kreuzter Sonata- The Gate Theatre

Currently on at The Gate Theatre in Notting Hill.
Costume Supervisor- Nicola Fitchett
Costume Assistant- Emma Manning